ISM-Lehigh Valley, Inc.

A Chapter of the Institute for Supply Management working together to advance the profession of supply management.

Lehigh Valley's Leading Supply Chain Management Professionals

Linking professionals in supply chain management in Northeast Pennsylvania.

ISM—Lehigh Valley provides educational & networking opportunities for Supply Chain Management professionals in the Lehigh Valley business community.

The ISM—Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Institute for Supply Management draws membership from companies, non-profits, and educational institutions in Lehigh, Northampton and surrounding area. Our members receive a wide range of benefits including access to exclusive supply management industry analytics, educational content, publications and networking opportunities. ISM—Lehigh Valley’s well balanced multi-faceted economy is driven heavily by strong manufacturing, health care, finance, and professional services.


Upcoming Events




Member Only

Supply Chain Costing and Performance Management

This presentation is based on the book “Supply Chain Costing and Performance Management” that Gary Cokins co-authored published by John Wiley & Sons. The book is a result of a research study to examine the application of supply chain profit and costing measurement methods in multiple industries and international settings.


Learning Objectives:

  • Why there is pressure on supply chain trading partners to collaborate rather than be adversarial.
  • Why customers are the source of shareholder wealth creation for suppliers.
  • How to measure and manage supplier, product, channel, and customer profitability.
  • Why as differentiation from product advantages is reduced or neutralized due to commoditization, then service level differentiation matters, and the customer relationship grows in importance as a competitive advantage.
  • How to shift the mindset from growing sales to growing profitable sales and to view customers as investments like in a stock portfolio to seek higher ROIs – return on customers (ROC).
  • How to consider influencing a company’s suppliers’ suppliers and customers’ customers – second tiers and above.




Chapter Webinar

ISM-Lehigh Valley Cutting Edge Technologies & The Impact on Your Business

In this non-technical presentation tailored for business professionals, we'll unravel the complexities of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and Business Analytics/Business Intelligence (BA/BI) and explore their practical applications. Learn how AI enables machines to learn, reason, and innovate, driving efficiency. Discover how Blockchain ensures secure transactions, reshaping business and beyond. Explore IoT's role in connecting devices for smarter environments. Lastly, understand how BA/BI leverages data for actionable insights, empowering informed decision-making.

Whether you're a seasoned executive or new to the tech scene, this webinar offers valuable insights into the future of business technology. Register now to secure your spot and stay ahead in the dynamic world of innovation.

Sponsor: 325 ISM—Lehigh Valley, Inc.
Manohar Patwardhan




Member Only

Compiling Supplier Data to Inform Sustainability Compliance

As the regulatory landscape continues to shift with new mandates like CSRD, CSDDD, and SEC disclosures, creating a streamlined supplier engagement strategy is more critical than ever. This webinar will guide you through developing a strategy that efficiently gathers the necessary data for compliance without overwhelming your suppliers. We'll explore how to minimize supplier fatigue by aligning your questions with multiple standards, reducing the number of requests, and ensuring a smooth compliance process. Additionally, we'll discuss how to integrate these data collection practices into your procurement lifecycle—from pre-contract phases to value creation moments—so you can expedite compliance, mitigate risks, and decarbonize your supply chain. Join us to learn how to make regulatory requirements a seamless part of your procurement strategy.


the text

Our Goals

  • Increase awareness regarding professional Supply Chain Certification opportunities.

  • Provide ample opportunities for members to obtain CEU’s.

  • Provide current relevant topics of professional interest.

  • Provide opportunities for networking with other Supply Chain Management professionals.

  • Promote the sharing of ISM resources.

  • Reinforce the use of ISM resources.

Learn More About ISM—Lehigh Valley

Supply Management News & Reports

Addressing the Links

September 11, 2024

Four years ago, Inside Supply Management® dubbed the 2020 U.S. presidential election the “supply chain election.” While some of the circumstances have changed — namely, the coronavirus pandemic has ended and supply chains on the whole have returned more or less to 2019 levels —  the focus has not.

Read More

Join ISM

Your membership in ISM will provide a powerful path to stay connected, engaged, and up-to-date with everything happening in supply management. Serious procurement and supply chain professionals are dedicated to staying in the know about their profession and staying at the top of their game. An ISM membership will provide you with that and more.

More than 100 years of experience speaks for itself – ISM can help you succeed. It's our mission.

Become A Member

ISM World 2025 Registration Open

Join your peers in Orlando, Florida, June 1-3, 2025. The ISM World Annual Conference is a world-class event designed to inspire fresh thinking and provide an educational experience that unites thought leaders, supply chain and procurement professionals, and the innovative suppliers that support them.

You'll leave with new connections, fresh insights, and the inspiration to spark new ideas within your professional community. Register today for the best rates!

Register Today

Join the Report On Business®  Survey Panel

ISM®'s Manufacturing, Services, and Hospital Report On Business® gather data monthly through surveys of supply management professionals participating in the Business Survey Committee.

Participation in the survey panel provides many benefits:

  • Receive a copy of the just-released Report On Business® graphical data
  • Directly see how your contribution affects the markets each month
  • Earn Continuing Education Hours

Click the link below to submit your information and someone will reach out to connect for a quick virtual call!

Join the Survey Panel